Monthly Archives: July 2013

Beating the Heat at Gilbert Lake State Park

DSCN5903 It was so hot in the big city, Oneonta, we retreated to Gilbert Lake.  It was still hot, but much, much more bearable!  Luke LOVED it…building a huge sand castle with g’pa, swimming, and eating lunch in the shade.

Squirt Gun Fight

Oneonta Trip Part 1

Luke, Abby and I are spending the week in Oneonta.  It’s HOT, HOT, HOT (though probably cooler than NYC).  So far… Abby and Luke had breakfast on the front porch. Luke and G’Pa made pancakes (with chocolate chips and blueberries…of course). Hung out with my friend Ashley and her kids Charlotte, Gigi, and Teddy. Luke […]

4th of July Weekend

We stayed in NYC for the 4th of July and got ice cream, went swimming, and Luke completed his first 100-piece jigsaw puzzle… Luke and Abby modeling their new Cornell gear from Great Grandma . Luke and Abby modeling patriotic gear…obviously Abby is not fond of the modeling…that’s okay, she LOVES to eat so it […]

Sprinkler Hopping

There’s nothing better than impromptu sprinkler hopping on a hot day!

Abby’s One-Month Check Up

Weight: 9lbs, 15oz Length: 21 inches The doctor was impressed by her neck strength. Abby was showing off during tummy time and the doctor has predicted that she will roll over in a matter of weeks (most babies roll at 4 months)…we’ll see 🙂

Super Student

Luke’s goal in the beginning of the week was to achieve Super Student status by Friday! He did it! Way to go Luke!

Fun Being Four

After Abby was born, Luke wasn’t really himself, but he seems to be bouncing back!  He loves to entertain Abby to get her to stop crying.  He also likes to take advantage of teachable moments.  The other day in Starbucks, while I was getting the drinks I saw Luke holding a straw by Abby and […]

Abby’s Born…June 11th

Abigail Macaulay Ellsworth (aka Abby, Abigirl, or PoPo) arrived on June 11th at 2:31am.  She was 7lbs, 1oz and 18.5 inches long.  While Rich and I went to the hospital, our friend Jenn (Luke’s Cod Mother) came over to our apartment to stay with Luke.  Luckily Jenn is like family since we only had our […]

Luke and Abby…First Month

Luke is very affectionate with Abby, always kissing her and telling her he loves her.  One day I asked Luke how he felt about the whole Abby situation, and he replied, “I just love her so much!”  He wants Abby around for everything and is convinced she doesn’t cry when she’s lying on HIS bed, […]